Melinda Raebyne

What People Are Saying…

“Melinda is unique in her ability to relate with all kinds of people - people often regarded as outcasts or perceived as “the other” - homeless people, disabled people, and child prostitutes, to name just a few. Even more remarkable is her ability, via her documentaries, to allow the audience to connect with these people and realize that they are really no different from themselves. Melinda is able to give voices to the voiceless and, through her films, allows her audience to hear those voices loud and clear.”

— Director Jody Vernon

“It has been my pleasure to witness the work of Melinda Raebyne for over six years. She is intent on creating film works that answered social justice issues from human/sex trafficking to the nationwide crisis of homelessness. She shows a brave willingness to be vulnerable in order to get to the truth. I have had the opportunity to watch Melinda work on set with actors. She is generous and respectful of all voices. She knows and understands the rudiments of film work and its impact in an intimate way. Much of her craft is self-informed making the “story” line real and rich in content. Melinda is fearless in her approach to tough topics. She is what the film industry needs to bring social justice issues from the dark into the light.”

— Diane Tilstra, Meaningful Movies Project Board Co-Chair

"Melinda Raebyne is a passionate, dedicated, and talented filmmaker who always strives for emotional truth and finding the heart of a story. Her work in documentary, traditional narrative, and experimental media often focuses on stories of overcoming hardships and adversity while highlighting the strength of the human spirit. Through these stories, Melinda is able to illustrate our similarities and the need for empathy and compassion."

— Levi Isaacs, Filmmaker

Melinda Raebyne is an award-winning Taiwanese American filmmaker who’s fascinated and inspired by the resiliency of the human spirit. Learning of other people’s journeys reinforces her belief that in each of us there’s a hero’s story waiting to be told.